Water - Fixing Broken Water Pumps & adding Rain-catchers
Too many water wells are broken and not working across Africa. Built at cost of many thousands of dollars with great intention, wells have not been serviced, pumps break and villages have no water. Influence Foundation supported by The Real Coconut Company have been funding the fixing of 120 Wells across Liberia. We started fixing in2019, guided by Influence Ambassador, Kimmie Weeks and Youth Action Intentional, over 45 wells were funded and restored by IF and Real Coconut. The cost of fixing a well with new parts and then having it serviced - $300.
Also it is essential if food production is to feed 10 billion people by 2050 that water is liberated, free and accessible to rural communities and boutique farmers.
It is essential too that we learn how to catch rain, to receive water and not to deflect it away from us. Many crop fields can be irrigated with rain water.
Erect a high enough platform, put a tank on top, pump water from a well into the tank, and then flow drip irrigation into your crop fields.
Charlie with Jack Rose of Raincatcher Charity , demonstrating a RainCatcher - an upside down umbrella!