Re:  Stimulation of Belize Alternative Flour Production, Commencing with a Plantain Flour Processing Facility in or around Dangriga, Stann Creek District  
The Purchase of alternative Flour Crops from Farmers under the Quality Control Supervision of Belize Sustainable Development Corporation (BSDC).



Following various meetings and feasibility site tours coinciding with the 2017 Belize National Agricultural Show, this document summarizes an understanding between Ministry of the Public Service, Energy and Public Utilities and the Belize Sustainable Development Corporation, (“BSDC”). 


The business opportunity identified in these meetings is to initiate plantain flour production in the most feasible and desirable area(s) of current banana and plantain farming area of Belize, including the area of Dangriga.  After this additional high standard practices can be applied to other alternative flours to include Coconut flour and Cassava flour 

Why start with Plantain Flour? 

Influence Foundation collective members and the BSDC and also principals of some of the USA ’s leading producers and distributors of alternative flour retail products, include Coconut flour chips and tortillas (see attachment) ) as well as plantain based baked goods. recognize:

the global economy of flours and yet it will be very hard for Belize to provide the quality coconut flour at the price that TRC recipes from Asia providers, due the mass quantity of coconut pulp derived from the large demand for coconut oil around the world.

Currently USA food companies receive coconut flour into their production facility at $1.00 a pound,, and receives cassava starch at $85c a lb. These costs after all agent and freight costs.  However The Real Coconut Co has pioneered plantain flour baking and from September 2018 TRC released additional retail lines of plantain flour baked goods into the USA market place. The company is therefore prepared to help bring forward and “champion” a new sustainable economy for Belize with the effective production of planarian flour which can be priced at a higher price than coconut and cassava which are in such abundant global supply.  

How can all Stakeholders accomplish this Social Enterprise Green Impact Project?

Initial Obligations to be entered into by the Belize Government 

  • BG to provide access to State owned utilities of power and water during the lease period.

  • BG to provide usual economic incentives from BelizeTrade and other business stimulation support for the overall success of the project  

  • BG to provide one nominee to join the Board 

Initial Obligations to be entered into by BSDC

  • BSDC has been provided a 13 acre site in Dangriga for a factory

  • Invest, build and operate an Initial Processing Plant to meet the regulatory standards of exporting high quality flours to the USA and international markets. It is anticipated that the initial Stage 1 production facility to provide adequate yields is budgeted at USD$4,000,000. 

  • Guarantee of purchase of high quality flour.. 

  • Provide all Management personnel, familiar with the needs of the USA market place. HOW


This Generation, Our lives today are an ‘AND” Sustainability And Social Enterprise 
Sustainability for ourselves , our communities , socially and for our planet 
Social enterprise both in the Giving And our Receiving  
Our forebearers all delivered answers as best they knew how, yet the divides were mindfully created , in geography and color and creed and gender .
And our Planet cried out, pained and we were unable to hear It’s cries. 
The  term ‘the bottom 2 billion living on less than $2 dollars a day’ was birthed and lived,  dividing our resource between us And them 
Today, however, our And is different because this generation choose to recognize to change the either / or to a new And, beyond the separations of past generations.
And our ‘bottom 2 billion ‘ are in fact the boutique custodians to the plant crops of our planet  - irrevocable native plants growing abundantly despite of us.

And the geography countries that they are farmed in are our collaborative partners
We embrace regenerative development AND, as we do, we are awakening to what we eat is how we feel 

Snack Plant brings plants and snacks together through sustainable and indigenous crops , processing alternative flour for sale to The Real Coconut and other food companies , and this authentic exchange value allows these ingredients to make the innovating healthy-for-you recipes for Gluten and Grain and Dairy and Refined Sugar and Soy and Corn Free. 

Sustainability and Social Enterprise 

Fields and Factory. Plant and Product

We are a growing co-operative group of purpose and mission driven peoples. We invite you today to consider adding your own authentic exchange value so we can collective go beyond what even we sense is possible